Madness, with Wildflowers

Madness, with Wildflowers. A short story.  I've been writing teeny stories, poems and odd bits of fiction, awash with fact too on Instagram for a while - on and off for years. The stories are usually inspired by something I see, an image or a person say, a converstaion or a memory. I'm going to [...]

By |2017-05-22T10:03:09+02:00October 16th, 2015|Poetry & Fiction|0 Comments

Farewell, little girl

Farewell, little girl. A poem. Indigenous Raramuri girls, at a boarding school Cerocahui, close to the Urique Canyon. I was so hestitant to visit, perferring to give a donation instead. When Christina my guide looked at me with pleading eyes, I decided to accompany her, and was really glad I did in the end. With [...]

By |2017-05-22T10:00:41+02:00October 9th, 2015|Poetry & Fiction|0 Comments

Mine are the hands

Mine are the hands. For Juanita For Juanita, Elsa's grandmother. Back story from my Instagram account: Juanita is an indigenous Raramuri woman from Cerocahui, a small town at the base of the Urique Canyon in the Copper Canyon. Her granddaughter invited us to their home unannounced, and despite being surprised, Jaunita made us freshly ground thick [...]

By |2017-05-22T10:01:03+02:00October 8th, 2015|Poetry & Fiction|0 Comments

Woman in the Blue Skirt

Woman in the Blue Skirt. [On Loss] Woman in the Blue Skirt This post appeared on InstagramHow high the stairs before the summit. How pained your limbs before this journey.How twisted the path you could never envision. Silvery webs coat our speech, an opiate perhaps, blanketing the hesitation and discomfort. Your tentative steps as a [...]

By |2017-05-22T10:01:58+02:00September 10th, 2015|Poetry & Fiction|0 Comments
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